کتب فیزیکی

کتب موجود در مرکز تحقیقات رشد کودکان

شماره عنوان کتاب نویسنده / مترجم انتشارات
001 خواب و اختلالات آن در کودکان دکتر شبنم جلیل القدر دانشگاه علوم پزشکی و خدمات بهداشتی درمانی قزوین
002 Schwartz's Principles of Surgery (10th Ed) F.Charles Brunicardi MC Graw Hill Education
003 Teaching Atlas of Pediatric Imaging Paul S. Babyn Thieme
004 Pediatric Imaging (Case Review Series, 2nd Ed) Thierry Huisman MOSBY Elsevier
005 Physiology an Illustrated Review Roger TannerThies Thieme
006 A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers (4th Ed) John A. Dent
Ronald M. Harden
Churchill Livingstone Elsevier
007 Pediatric Endocrinology (2nd Ed) Nalini Shah
Sudha Rao
008 Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases A Parthasarathy JAYPEE
009 FAQs in Pediatric Infectious Diseases Ritabrata Kundu
Digant D Shastri
010 Recent Advances in Pediatrics Suraj Gupte JAYPEE
011 Research in Clinical Practice Daron Smith
Dan Wood
012 Avery's Diseases of the Newborn (9th Ed) Gleason Devaskar Elsevier Saunders
013 Clinical Anatomy by Regions (9th Ed) Richard S. Shell Lippincott Williams & Wikins
014 Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics (7th Ed) Karen J. Marcdante
Robert M. Kligman
Elsevier Saunders
015 Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination Linda Anne Silvestri Elsevier Saunders
016 Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (20th Ed) Robert M Kliegman Elsevier Saunders
017 Studying a Study & Testing a Test (6th Ed) Richard K. Riegelman Lippincott Williams & Wikins
018 Modern Epidemiology (3rd Ed) Kenneth J. Rothman
Sunder Greenland
Timothy L. Lash
Lippincott Williams & Wikins
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